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As the manual clearly shows, teachers are always looking for new and more inventive ways of getting the students involved and providing a more hands-on approach when teaching. One tool that has gained a lot of popularity over recent years is referred to as Gimikit. The brainchild of a high school student, Gimkit is an interactive quiz-based game that incorporates aspects of games within education, thus enhancing the effectiveness of learning. This comprehensive guide will provide everything that one may want to know about Gimkit, its features, how it functions, its advantages, and questions.

What is Gimkit?

Gimkit is a web-based tool for education that allows teachers to design and play real-time interactive quizzes called ‘kits’ with their students. In contrast to the standard methods of conducting a quiz, this game also comes in the form of erasing incentive problems such as the use of virtual money, power-to-class in play or the use of competing with your fellow classmates. The idea is to help address the lesson in such a way that it appeals to the learners regardless of subject and level.

The History of Gimkit

Let’s take a glimpse into the development of Gimkit In 2017, a high school student named Josh Feinsilber invented Gimkit hoping that his classmates would find learning more fun. Upon noticing that a lot of students were not paying attention to regular quizzes and tests, Josh was challenged to come up with a system that incorporated fun and games into learning. The idea which was developed with the help of one of Josh’s teachers and his classmates was termed Gimkit and gained popularity receiving adoption in schools in the US and other countries.

Key Features of Gimkit

When it comes to being a functional tool for teachers, Gimkit has several such features. Some of the features that make Gimkit different from other education systems include:

Interactive Gameplay

One of the unique selling points of Gimkit is the direct-TV interaction wait for it, the game interactive mountains Unlike standard notes, power-up is earned by answering questions and gets to buy power-ups such as multipliers and bonuses. This manner of learning ensures that students are interested in getting a high score instead of just playing without care.

Customizable Quizzes

Teachers have an option of creating their own quizzes also known as “kits,” for their lesson. Gimkit seems to permit every kind of question possible including essays, and quizzes with questions that require multiple options, a ya or nay valid for most subjects and class levels.

Instant Response

Gimkit is effective on the aspect of providing the correct information instantly for both the students and the teachers. Students in this case get instant feedback on the answers that they give while teachers are able to assess the students during class and notice the areas where the learning process has to be intervened.

Real-Time and Asynchronous Modes Of Engagement

Gimkit has basically two major areas of operational modes which are Live Mode and Homework Mode. In Live Mode, the students engage in real time with each other working towards winning which erases the dullness in learning. Homework Mode is when the students have permits to do the kits or homework at their own speedy conquest with the use of technology which is very suitable for them.

Crow “Pantry” System

Gimkit works very conveniently with other educational platforms, for example, Google Classroom which allows teachers to post and monitor student engagement in kits. The teachers may also upload questions from Quizlet in the process of designing the kit which enables them to save resources while making new kits.

Management of Classes

In the case of class management, Gimkit has powerful functionalities where teachers can retake and set classes and monitor the students’ performances with the help of database-generated analytics. The other teachers can also give certain digs to certain students or sets of students to ensure that the depth of learning is appropriate for every learner.

Configurable Themes

Gimkit enhances the learning experience for both teachers and learners through kit personalization in terms of themes. This feature brings out creativity since students never get bored with the learning process as it comes with beautiful graphics.

In-App Products

While playing Gimkit, students can spend the tokens they earn on the game to buy some virtual products like power-ups and avatars. This feature adds another dimension of excitement to the game, it applies to students when they engage in a competition as they have to think of how to use their currency intelligently in order to be at the top.

How to Get Started with Gimkit

It is easy to get going with Gimkit and there are very few things to worry about. Below is a detailed explanation of the process of how you can create an account and make your first kit:

Sign Up for an Account

A player is required to sign up for an account before they can be able to use Gimkit. An account can be created for free in one of two ways – that is for basic functions, or could opt to pay for an account that has more functions. Teachers can use either an email address to register or a Google account.

Assembling a Kit

Now that your account has been created, proceed to create the very first kit. Click the button ‘New Kit’ and provide the title and a brief description of your quiz. Then, you may import questions or type in any questions by hand if needed.

Making a Kit Better

When all your questions have been added down, you can proceed with making your kit better by choosing the design of the kit and specifying the game parameters. You can pick the limit of questions, the time limit for the game, and if pupils will be able to spend their credits in the game.

Invite Students

Now that your kit is complete, you can move on and invite your students to play the game. You may give the students the game code or you may use the Gimkit together with Google Classroom and assign the kit to the whole class.

Play the Game

Your students are now prepared, you are free to commence the game in Live Mode or you can set it as homework in the Homework Mode. During the play, you will be able to see how well the students are playing the game and give them comments straight away.

Reasons Why Gimkit is Worth Using

Gimkit is one of the tools that bring several advantages to both the teachers and students. Below are some of the benefits of employing Gimkit in the classroom:

Better Student Participation and Motivation

Incorporating game-based learning with avatars through Gimkit keeps students engaged in the task. The learners tend to be game addicts and that arouses their interest in intensively trying to improve their scores.

Useful For Various Types of Learners

The design of Gimkit accommodates these different learners. There are elements of hands-on activities and pictures on the platform for those who are visual and active learners, while the possibility of building a kit also enables teachers to instruct specific areas of children.

Feedback in Real-Time

Because of its online feature, students are able to receive feedback on the exercises completed shortly after and understand their shortcomings. This advanced(active) feedback method helps to enforce learning prompting the students to recall the information more easily.

Convenience in Modes of Use

The modes are Live Mode and Homework Mode, when employed eliminates the need for a blitz study schedule. Gimkit may be aimed for use in class, as homework or for use in distant learning situations, making it useful for various educational purposes.

Data As Insights

Gimkit gives teachers timely insight into how well the students are performing. They can assess the progress of their students, see the difficulties the students are having and adapt how they teach.

Fosters Teamwork

More often than not, Gimkit is adopted in competitive games but in the same manner, students are encouraged to work together. Team games can be created by the teachers which help students to work collaboratively to achieve the goal and build their communication skills.

Gimkit Compared With Other Educational Resources

Gimkit is one of the many educational resources one can access today and yet there are a number of things that make it unique. One such scenario is that of Gimkit and these other games: Here are the reasons why one should move from Gimkit and try Kahoot!


Kahoot! is yet another platform used by teachers to conduct quizzes but in which students are motivated by games. Even though both platforms have sets of features that are common, the virtual money earning as well as the risk-taking financially Gimkit supports is lacking in Kahoot! Commendably, it has more options for distance learning as compared to Kahoot, in that, it has got Homework Mode.


Quizlet is a mostly note-taking and sharing flashcard creation web-based program. Quizlet does have ways for students to study in a more engaging way, but there is no element of competition or gamified experience like in Gimkit. However, it is possible to obtain the benefits of the two platforms through Gimkit’s connection with Quizlet. Teachers are able to streamline HQ’s and import quizlet set into their kits.


Nearpod may be considered the all-in-one teaching tool that introduces various interactive lessons, quizzes as well as assessments. Even though Nearpod is equipped with many options that can be used in a lesson, the students may not thrill and fully capture attention as they do in the game-based Pamela’s quizzes at Gimkit. This system integration is beneficial for the teachers since they can utilize both Nearpod and Gimkit for one lesson.


Gimkit has emerged to become one of the most favored tools for improving the interactivity of lessons with children in classrooms around the globe. It encompasses various forms of gamification in education, which provides for maximum student engagement, making the learning experience worthwhile. If you are a teacher who is willing to adopt a foreign tool in the classroom or a studious student who wants to liven the process of holing up, Gimkit is the answer as it has many useful elements for everyone.

This is a complete article where all gimikit features have been outlined including some comparisons with other gimikits and things that will enhance gimikit’s user experience. With the ease and comfort the student interface offers, the learning options are also differentiated, and there is also evidence based on data; that Gimkit will fit anyone’s educational practitioner’s belt.

Gimkit FAQs

Will it cost me anything to use Gimkit?

Gimkit’s services are free of charge as well as subscription-based. The free version is limited in the range of features available compared to the paid plans also called Gimkit Pro. In this paradigm, teachers decide which plan to take depending on their requirements and financial status.

Do I have to physically attend classes if I want to use Gimkit?

Gimkit can definitely be used in an off-site mode. The teacher creates the kits in the Homework Mode and gives them out to the students allowing the students to finish the quiz at home within a timeframe set by the teacher. Managing the remote assignments is very simple due to the Google Classroom integration.

What is Gimkit’s policy on e-learning student data security?

Students’ privacy protection is never compromised in Gimkit. The site abides by laws and policies like FERPA, COPPA and many others. Gimkit requires very limited information for the functioning of the platform and the company does not sell the students’ information to third parties.

Are students able to make their own kits in Gimkit?

While Gimkit is essentially teacher-centric, in that a kit is supposed to be created and assigned to students, they can also make kits where the teacher allows. This can be handy on projects where students work in groups, and have a peer teaching session.

For which subjects can I apply Gimkit?

Gimkit is multipurpose in the sense that it can be applied to a variety of topics like mathematics, sciences, history, language arts, etc. Teachers would draft kits to suit their teaching guides and standard instructional grades.

Does Gimkit allow monitoring of the student’s progress?

Yes, there are reports on student performance found on Gimkit which is detailed. The progress of each student is monitored and teachers are able to analyze the average performance of the class and determine the areas where students require more assistance.

Is there professional development for the librarians provided by Gimkit?

Gimkit provides teachers with the necessary resources in order to maximize the use of the platform. There are tutorials, webinars, and a help center that addresses frequently asked questions. Additionally, teachers may also become a members of the Gimkit community to share information on tips on how to use the platform with other members of the community.

What are the tools that can be used alongside Gimkit?

Using Google Classroom the teachers can assign the kits to the students and monitor their activities on gamification from within Google’s ecosystem. Teachers can also use Quizlet to get questions for the kits, saving lots of time on making the kits from scratch.

Is it viable to say that Gimkit is a technology tool for all grade levels?

Of course, Gimkit can be used by students of all ages. One of the main advantages of the platform is that teachers can adjust the features of kits to any grade contrary to elementary, middle, or high school grades.

Is it feasible for students to load Gimkit on mobile devices and still be able to function without a network connection?

Gimkit works solely when there is Internet access. Nevertheless, teachers have the option of developing video kits beforehand and allowing the students to use them in areas with an internet connection. In cases of remote lessons, students will need the internet in order to comply with the given tasks.

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